About our company
We were an indie software company focused on crafting innovative consumer applications.
The organization composes a team of devoted, ambitious and talented young engineers, designers and creators, whose number one priority is innovating and delivering value to people through innovative software.
People (past)
Nikita Lutsenko
Chief and Founder

Passionate about challenging tasks, user experience and deep technical problems. Now works at Meta Platforms Inc (neé Facebook).
Mykhailo Lavreka
Product Design Lead

Mykhailo is a product designer with 10+ years of experience. Used to be responsible for both leading and executing on all design.
Alexander Chepizhenko
Web Guy

Advanced user of the force. Always late to work, mostly worked at night. Now works at Snap Inc.
Alexander Peresadchenko
Software Engineer

Alex is the person behind GoTranslate, from the very early versions, he was responsible for all of it.
Fedir Poliakov
Software Engineer

Fedir contributed and worked on all the applications we shipped and multiple ones that we didn't. Now works at Snap Inc.
Oleksandr Borshchenko
Software Engineer

Oleksandr used to contribute to multiple applications we shipped as a software engineer in the beginning of his career.
Oksana Gololobova
Customer Support Lead

If you ever reached out for product support - you reached Oksana. Passionate about helping people and advocating on their behalf.
Lena Mikheeva
UI/UX Designer

The latest iterations of all the design of our applications was done by Lena directly, with passion and stellar speed.
Alexander Zavaliy
QA Lead

Alex was the person who made sure that all the applications we shipped were of the highest quality.
Viacheslav Beskrovniy
UI/UX Designer

First hire of the company, used to be responsible for all design of the company, all iterations, all application icons and more.
Vladyslav Marchuk
UI Designer, Front-end Dev

Vlad brought the modern web design to our company, and was also responsible for all marketing comms design.
Igor Tarasenko
Software Engineer

One of the early engineers to join our company, contributed to early versions of our apps and did a great job at it.